Thank you to all who sent messages and vibes on my birthday. I have to admit it is my 62nd, so I am pretty used to them by now and look at it one of two ways, depending on the day. One way is to just celebrate the big ones, the other is to celebrate each one now they will inevitably get fewer. Anyway.... Thank you. I had a very quiet and peaceful day. Watched some sport and then a movie, La Chimera, with the excellent Josh O'Connor. Blimey, he is good! Lovely movie. Perfect for the day. 

Rehearsals are going well, mostly, at the Almeida Theatre. Great people to work with. Everyone is SO good. Right now tho' there is a bit of a lurgy going round. I fear I may have introduced it into the melee, but who knows. Polly Findlay is our director and is constantly surprising me. As I think I do her with my sometimes unfiltered reactions! 3 weeks to go. Exciting now.

I hope you have all managed to get onto my Instagram account. @nathanielparker84  I am finally doing something I have wanted to do for ages, but just been too lazy. Poetry. Well, I have begun to read thru' The Songs Of Innocence and Experience by William Blake. As you may well know, I was brought up on Blake because my darling Dad was such a fan. Thanks Dad. What a blessing. What a joy.  

Which brings me onto my last mention today, which is Celebration Day. This is a dedicated day in the calendar year, the last Bank Holiday in May, where we take a moment, or more, to recognise and celebrate someone who has left us but who had an important impact on our lives. I have chosen to remember a different person every day up to 27th May. It's a wonderful feeling. I hope you can all find time to join in. 

Happy Days.   N x