Ok, so it's been a while.    There's rather a lot of news, isn't there! 

The NEW Inspector Lynley has been announced.  If you haven't seen the news, it was on Deadline.  I got the news some time ago, actually, but wasn't allowed to say.  I got in touch with Elizabeth George's agent about the possibility of picking up the series, and they let me know a new Lynley was on the way.  Took me by surprise, I must say, but I do understand.  Elizabeth has written some amazing books, and it's only right they should make it onto the screen.  Leo Suter & Sophia Barclay will do a brilliant job, I am sure.  I only speak on my behalf here, and not Sharon's, but younger, very handsome and probably far more talented, I am sure Leo will do a great job.  Honestly, I am thrilled for him.  It's a great part.  I am sure she'll be wonderful too.  I have seen their work and they will make a great team. I hope they enjoy it as much as I did. 

Still on the Lyney front, I saw the interview with Sharon and me this evening on BBC4.  Sharon was always much more articulate!   We were a fun duo, tho' weren't we? I thought I sounded as pompous as ever, but hey, it was just a fun morning, just sitting, chatting. And they are showing A Great Deliverance now.  It's on in the background as I write this.  I could give you a running commentary as I watch, but, ah well, probably best not.  Like I said in the interview, a lot of great actors in the Lynley films, I was so lucky. Anthony Calf, Emma Fielding et al., blimey, Kerr Ching!

And I was also meeting with a couple of prospective Taplows for the upcoming Browning Version.  I think our director, James Dacre, is going to be great to work with. I love his energy and he is SO bright. I have very little to do with Sian Phillips, but I am so excited to be working with her at all. BLOODY LEGEND!! I don't think these two one act plays have been done together before, so, it is wonderful of the estate and agent to let us.  As I go through it more and more, I am constantly impressed by the words. Rattigan was, is, amazing.   

Away from the plays, I am really enjoying doing the poems on Instagram. I miss the odd day. Sorry about that, but sometimes the day just gets a bit busy, and then it's too late.  (OOOhhhh Sharon and I are getting on better now on TV!). (My brown coats looks way too big for me. That's silly) I am trying really hard to keep it different.  

And Politics.  I had a feeling Joe would go, and now I have to say, if things keep going downhill for Trump (fingers firmly crossed) then I think he might jump ship.  I don't think he will like being cast as a loser AGAIN.  (Sorrryyyyy, I have just watched Pookie trying to kiss me! hehehe).    As I was saying, I think he may just jack it in and leave it to those "GOP losers".  With the support crumbling the nasty, behind the scenes, arseholes like Roger Stone might not be able to get the traction to launch another Washington assault.   Maybe...   Who knows....   Probably not me.  

And Kier hasn't exactly had an easy time recently, has he?  But by God, he's been working hard.  As have his cabinet. I know at some point we have to call them to account, because we don't have a proper opposition, but I think they are doing a bloody marvellous job so far. 

As I sign off, Sharon, sorry, Havers, has just owned up to sleeping with me, sorry, Lynely, but she hasn't really.  I had forgotten how much fun this pilot was. Have fun, one and all.  Let's hope they show some more.  And like I said, Good Luck to the Newbies.   N x





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