This is to say Happy Christmas to everyone.

I have been a bit on the busy side recently so please excuse a lack of  postings from me. But here I am on Christmas eve, now Christmas morning, on line. Go figure. I have just finished stockings for little ones and wrapping presents for my glorious wife.

I don't how she has put up with me this year. I have been working so much that we have hardly had any time at all together. What we have had has been splendid, so that makes up for a lot. Last weekend we went to New York with the kids and my mother-in-law. We had an absolute ball. When I worked there for 6 months doing Merchant of Venice, Anna and I grew to love it over Christmas there, but I think this was our first trip to the Big Apple in over 10 years. My mother-in-law had never been and neither had the kids. They were all like kids in a candy store! 

So I have a little Xmas break before shooting the last Lynley of this series. That takes me through until the end of Jan, and then a bit of a break is needed I think. Unless of course the right and unturndownable thing comes along.

The last ep we shoot had Sam West and Lindsey Coulson in it. They were as fantastic as they could be. I do love being able to Lynley for the chances I get to work with. I think we need to get the rest of the family West out there and get Prunella Scales. The next ep promises to be a VERY exciting one with another draft of fab actors.

Sharon Small is being spectacular, in fact she is so fantastic that I would say we are having as much fun on this as we have ever had. Couldn't do it, wouldn't want to do it, without her.

I must sign off now. Far too late.

But again I would like to thank all of you who have contributed to this site and asked very good questions. I can only apologise that I am so sporadic with my own contributions.

My biggest thanks of course go to our wonderful website mistress, Jessika. What a great job she has done with this site and I think she should have a large and enthusiastic round of applause from us.

Good Night.  Safe Dreams.  Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.
