That's how far we've got. It is terrific fun this year. Indeed I think this has been as exciting a year as I can remember. The energy and enthusiasm is like it was at the beginning. I think this has a fair amount to do with the new producing team. Sharon Hughff is our new producer and she has a very good handle on the script.

Sharon Small is being just marvellous, as ever, but more so. We're having a really good time working together. Very brother and sister, but she still refuses to laugh at my jokes.

The news that I first read on this site actually, that we have upped ourselves, in the Lynley team,  to the top 10 of the worldwide sales, was very satisfying. In fact, I think, that per hour we might even come out on top.  That encourages us and increases the level of energy.

Right now we are on location near Walton on the Naze, which is where we filmed the episode about illegal immigrants a couple of years ago. Nice to be back. We are on night shoots, so I am watching the World Series Baseball game on tv to stay awake for longer. It's a hard life!

I do hope you are all well. 

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