What a great play.  What a great cast.  What a great time. What a great response.  

As you can see, I am having a very good fun time at The Hampstead Theatre.  It's a terrific place to work, the management and crew are all top class. But I have to say the play, and the cast, are the Real Thing (inside Stoppard joke!). Honestly, I am so impressed with all of them. I am told, as you can see on the banner Jessie has put up. The reviews have been very good too.  I have decided not to read them, but it's impossible to avoid completely.  Seeing stars is always fun, tho' I must say. 

Politically, I am feeling very nervous.....   Whaaaaaat is the US doing? How can Trump be so prominent? He's a crook!  For heaven’s sake, America, you are making the world uncertain. Poor Ukraine. Bloody Orbán! What on earth is happening. Personally, I would put a fiver on neither Trump nor Biden actually running. Fingers crossed. Obvs I think Biden is a very good man, but I doubt he can win, so who replaces him? Eeek? No one in the frame apart from Newsom. The US doesn't seem ready to accept Kamala. But Trump could well run. My fingers are crossed he doesn't obvs!  So who? I have a sneaking feeling they will put up Nikki Hailey, but like I say, she can't win. She would get close tho!

So there you go.  Had to get that off me chest! Back to theatre and the Arts. I see Jeremy Herrin has Ulster American opening too. I love Jeremy, he's a wonderful director, and it sounds great fun. Olly's film The Great Escaper has been received very well. I hope you all go to see it. I think it's beautiful to see Michael and Glenda in a genuine love story. 

Happy Christmas to one and all xxxxx

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