SO, I have got back from Spain where I walked and rode some of the El Camino with The Big Hoof team. Thank you my girls for getting me to do it. EXTRAORDINARY experience. Humbling and exhilarating. Please support them on their last day. What an epic journey. What an EPIC team. I am truly honoured to have been a part of it. 

I got home at 1.45am this morning. Off to Oxford in a minute to go see my old chum Jim Basker who runs a Summer Shakespeare's school for US students. A brilliant man, who is actually my sister's mate, but feels like a part of the family. I have a Q&A with his students. Great fun, but then I am off at 5.00am tomorrow to go SKY DIVING!!!!! 

I can't believe that time has finally come. I can't wait. I am nervous, of course, but SO excited. Tell yer what guys...  60 is the new...   well, it's new to me and I am LOVING it.  

I have my new marvellous Agent, Simon, and his team, Vicki & Kitty, I have walked and ridden some of the El Camino, given talks, off to do a workshop on Romeo & Juliet next week and am jumping out of a plane. What could be more Nat? Oh yes, I HAVE MY FAMILY!!!!!   And, of course, amazing loving and generous friends.

All pretty damn good reasons to be 60!   Go for it guys. I'll let you know how the jump goes. We are filming it so you will see my chins flap as I hurtle earthwards.  ARGhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 

