Hello All,   Well the play is finished and I am still officially in mourning. I loved that show. The people were just the bees bloody knees. The play was good too by the way. But we had to finish earlier than we hoped.  I think there is an appetite for the show, but you need full houses and in this environment that just ain't gonna happen. But well done the producers for putting it on at all. It has given all involved a tremendous set of memories and something to be properly proud of.  Particularly the youngsters. AMAZING.And what a privilege to be part of their journey. 

So what next? Good question. I am figuring that out, but it's exciting to feel that I can concentrate on some of my own projects for a while and see what has traction. It's an insanely busy marketplace, but I do believe I have a few cracking ideas. 

Meanwhile, congrats to Annabel Lee who just keeps racking up the festivals and awards, and also to Hunting Bears that won Jason best new Director at the European Film Festival. Top Man. And talking of awards, I have a feeling Jessy will spot this very soon, in fact it is very rare I can say anything before she has already revealed it, but the What's On Stage Awards, which is all about YOU the theatre goer, has been generous enough to include me in the Best Supporting category for Henry VIII. As I say, apparently it's all about YOU voting, so, I won't be shy in asking you to go to their website and join in the fun!   

Off to walk the dogs now.  Be safe out there. Please don't listen to any conspiracy theories, just get vaccinated NOW and help keep everyone safe.     
Oh by the way, The Big House's Redemption is another blindingly good show from that organisation. They are truly remarkable!


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