For the last two days I have been reading about Gordon Brown making a difference. Actually on three fronts. Firstly, a minor but significant point about past Prime Ministers. How do they capitalise on their previous stint at No 10?  Tony Blair, has made tens of millions as a property magnate and from speeches, David Cameron also a speech millionaire and as we all know from his morally dubious texting stood to make up to 200 million from Greensill Capital, (of course that hasn't quite come off, but we get the picture) and Teresa May, who could hardly do an interview without notes is now commanding up to £100,000 for a speech. (Thanks to The Guardian for all that info).

Gordon on the other hand has The Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown,  Check out the work he does for global education. They are a team, a force, for good in this world. The second major input yesterday was the launch of his book. Personally I can't wait to read it. Seven Ways To Change the World. And today he has called for Boris to back the England team who will be taking the Knee at the Euro 2020 tournament. Well done the team, well done Gordon for backing them, and shame on you Boris for not! This is not about making political statements, and any politician, eg. Lee Anderson, who tries to politicise it, is either naive or wantonly against accepting that black lives matter. It's an humanitarian gesture and I for one am proud of Marcus Rashford and his colleagues for leading our national team forward.