Here in the UK the pall of Covid-19 is lifting a little. What a change the world has seen in the last 4-5 months. I know I speak on behalf of my family when we send love, admiration and respect to all those who have been on the front line.  Thank you. And, of course amid all this we have had a world reacting to the awful institutional racism, not just in America, but all over the world.  Extraordinary. As some despots seek to increase their power, the people of the world have come together to protest injustices.

My wife and I joined our daughters at the very first of the BLM marches in London.  Strange amid the pandemic to experience a mostly socially distant statement, but essential to stand together. One of the signs being carried rang true to me particularly as a member of the white privileged class, "I understand that I can never understand, but I stand!"  Again we send our love, admiration and respect to all those around the world that stand on the side of justice.   

As Monty Python said, And now for something completely different...    I am in a classical musical called Mascherato The Musical. A classical endeavour that I was asked to be a part of in a completely un-singing way. A joy and a pleasure to be involved with and I thank the hugely talented creators, Michael Elderkin and James Willet, who put it all together. I haven't heard the finished product yet, but I have enormous faith in their capabilities. Fingers crossed. Now best of luck to all of your families and friends. Please keep safe and well, and out of harm's way. 

N xx

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