He is so cool isn't he? I thought he was amazing in The Joker and he well deserved the BAFTA. More importantly tho' was his speech last night. For me that was a Standing Ovation time. I don't get what has happened in recent years, and I don't just mean BAFTA, but many organizations are just not seeing the bigger picture. It helps nobody to be introverted in this business. Inclusivity is all. Whether that be on the set or off the set or in the office or editing suite, feeding or transporting, this industry is ripe for inclusivity and should be taking action to make sure blinkers are left off! I wish Florence Pugh had got her BAFTA, but it will come soon I am sure. So thrilled for George MacKay to be part of an amazing theatrical piece. Wow, what a film. Thrilled Jojo Rabbit got a gong, but I would have preferred Little Women to get more.  

I read a couple of the comments recently.  Some very good detective work as to what I want to announce but can't quite yet. Until things are over the line, or more accurately names are on the line, I can't really announce anything, but so exciting. And anyway I am so looking forward to being in France working with these amazing actors and Sir Ridley! À bientôt.

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