Annabel Lee is happening. This is a short film written by Angel, my eldest, from a poem by Edgar Allen Poe. I am thrilled by what she has written, but it is not just me. We have found a marvellous director, Amy Coop, who has done 8 shorts as producer/director, and masses of experience as a 1st and a 2nd assistant. 3 of her 8 shorts won Best Film at different festivals, and has just completed the directors' course at the BBC. I will be in it, briefly, as of course will Angel, as the main part. The rest of the casting will be decided soon, and I will announce it through this page and the crowd-funding website. Not entirely sure which website yet, but we are nearly there. Basically, I need support. It's a big budget for a short film. I know many are done on iPhones nowadays, and many by students with mates. Indeed I have done quite a few shorts where I have not been paid, even made them with Oli, my brother when we could only afford to pay people champagne and smarties.
However, this is a different ballgame for me. We are looking at an all in budget of around £25,000. We have so far raised £10,000, and I reckon we can get some equipment and facilities at mates rates or better, so a cash budget of around £18,000. The biggest expense is going to be wages. I intend to pay everyone. It'll be shot on the North Devon coast, so getting them there, housing them for the week, feeding them AND paying them is not cheap. As soon as we have begun our crowd-funding page, I will let you know and ask you if you feel like supporting. Cash is so important, but the goodwill is just as vital. Knowing people would like it to succeed is a great energy. So any amount will help enormously.
That is a truly hands on producing experience. My other project, is just as nerve wrecking, but not as frenetic. I hope to be able to tell you all in a week or two, so please excuse me. I won't be revealing all right now, just to say, it's a REALLY grown up project, of which I am very proud. Dah Dah Dunnah............