Life has been more than the usual helter skelter recently. Around 8 years ago, we as a family moved lock stock outta London. Not easy to leave my Notting Hill Gate roots behind, but it had to be done and Anna did find the most amazing valley in deepest darkest Gloucestershire. Heaven. We built our own place and lived in glorious countryside with space, fields, animals and clean air. So why did we come back? All this theatre over the last few years has not contributed much to the Parker funds and as far as time goes, it has meant I have been 6 nights a week in London leaving family, or at any rate Anna, in the middle of the countryside, and barely making it home to collapse on the 7th day of the week. No way to live. So, the big decision was kinda made for us. And we now live in a really nice house on the outskirts of central London. Not a suburb, but not quite in the middle. Tell you what, there are lots more cars, much more noise, millions more people, and far too many pavements. I will be honest and admit that I miss the village of Avening a lot. But we did sell to a lovely family, so at peace with the move.

And So, onto work. Just done a great fun(?) episode of Grantchester. Again, I'll be honest, I didn't expect to enjoy myself. Definitely strange doing an episodic cop show, even 10 years after finishing Lynley, but I had an absolute blast. The cast were all terrific, and the crew tops. Loved working with the director and Kudos is a company I have long wanted to have a relationship with. However the most amazing single factor was Robson. He is more than delightful, he is everything I hope I was when I had Lynely. Welcoming, strong in both performance and leadership, and wonderfully generous. Which leads me onto my next post.....