As I begin my run at The Garrick Theatre in This House, who should I see seated in the audience...?????

Our glorious and indeed glamorous webmistress.   Well at least I think it is.  I am sure I will find out soon!   This gave me quite a lift really.  I had spoken to a lovely fan outside the stage door earlier, who had come all the way form Newcastle, and she said she read this website.  This obviously made me feel a little guilty about not contributing enough to it.  But then Jessika catches my eye in the first 5 mins of the play, and she must have come all the way form Germany.  Blimey!!  I will try to catch her straight after the show, and before I set off up the stairs for our 1st preview drinks in the Sir Kenneth Brannagh Gold Room. ( I mean, honestly).  

I think perhaps the events of Brexit compounded by CHUMP winning the US elections, ( to quote the play, "It's not our fault the public vote in fucking lunatics".) and various stuff at home have distracted me, again.  

Since we last spoke, (or read, or wrote) my eldest Angel has had her début on the London Fringe.  She did a production of a play called Bonnie & Clyde.  Very exposing to do an intimate 2 hander in a theatre with the audience no more than 10 feet from the actors.  She did more than cope I am pleased to say, she showed huge aplomb and I really hope she gets more stage work after this.   She has a wonderful presence that is, well...., indescribable actually. She has also been writing songs, not a talent she picked up from her father, including one for her sister's 18th birthday that made me sob !   There is another in the pipeline that has HIT written all over it.  Very exciting. 

My 18 year old, Raffi, was also quite fantastic in her school production of Jerusalem.  Outstanding realism.  Gotta go back on stage now....   BYE....