Very nearly set off for radio Gloucester this morning to do Claire Carter's midday show. Of course it's TOMORROW I do her show.  Very much looking forward to it. 

Today though, brings a much more important, (I'm sure Claire won't mind me saying so) issue. WORLD CANCER DAY.  As I am sure many regular readers will know, my mother died of cancer. Having survived many various and one particularly rare and up to that point always fatal disease, the big C got her. 

 What made her last month, not only bearable, but also hugely inspiring was the level of care she received. I know today is about beating cancer, but it is never out of place to acknowledge the phenomenal care and work that goes into looking after patients.  Some are lucky and the diagnosis is caught early, but others, like my mother, have incredibly cunning cancers that don't reveal themselves until it is too late. My work with Debbie's Fund has taught me how far into the community the effects are felt and is a shining example of how small gestures can have large impacts! There had never been a laboratory specifically searching for ways to deal with cervical cancer before, within a year or so, bingo, AND the research was so consummate that the effects are rippling out into the wider world. Something I know Debbie would have been enormously proud of. I remember Sarah, her daughter saying if the fund helped one person the pain and anguish would be worth it. What a girl. As are the many many survivors, relatives, doctors and nurses who deal with this killer everyday. Debbie's Fund is also always in need of support.

There isn't a day go by when I don't think of all those who suffer and all those who help them. There is hardly a minute goes by when I don't think of my mum. Please, if you have anything spare in your change purse, donate. 

I have some exciting news for later in the year, but, as usual until it's signed, I will not be letting the cat out of the bag, (poor cat I hear you say, but, hey, I'm allergic, despite having 4 of them!) I am also quite intrigued to see for how long I can keep schtum before Jessika finds out. She usually seems to know before I do! Lastly, I did some ADR, or Looping, yesterday for The Outcast. Blimey, do not expect a comfortable night. It's edgy and the performances that I saw, (one never sees much in the editing suite) were electric. Well done Iain and the team.

Happy Days to all.  

Love and respect    


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