I can hardly believe I have been off stage for nearly two weeks now. We finished the show in the most tremendous manner. The audience were superb and, I think, the shows matched the enthusiasm. We finished with a weekend worthy of any we had had up to then. I felt SO PROUD to be a part of this company. SO PROUD.
The acting company and the back stage crews of Stratford, London and New York, have been exemplary. Such support from everyone for each other. I hope any minor gripes that happened through the run will dissolve for ever. I wish EVERYONE huge success. Huge Love for all. My family, and indeed, everyone's family, should be included in that. They have had to put up with so much.
I would also like to apologise to anyone for periods of grumpiness and low spirits, and to be honest, overly high spirits, and probable arrogance. It's easy to get rather self absorbed when you live by yourself and use a certain amount of self importance to get you through. I shouldn't really use the "you" in that, I should use the first person singular! Anyway, I had a blast and I hope I didn't offend people long term, I hope I continue with the friends I have made, long term. It is a time none of us will forget. Fanbloodytastic.
And since we left the Broadway stage my family have come to join me and we have moved on to the New England coast for a couple of weeks before heading back to NY then the UK for a short break before my venture in South Africa. My body shut down for a good week. I am just coming out of it now. My voice completely went, (Nick Boulton would have had to go on!) I had sinus and glandular problems. It all went pear shaped, but now I am feeling clearer and getting back to myself.
In the meantime I would encourage any reader near Crystal Palace to find Nick Shaw's new coffee shop and buy buy buy. Much love and good fortune to Nick, MIchelle and wee Sophie Shaw. Also to Giles off touring, Lucy and Nick D down in Chichester, Ben Royaling it up a storm, and Lydia and Daniel in LA. Miss you all. xxxxx