Hello All.

I trust everyone is well. I have some fun news in terms work for all to share.  Well, I say that. In fact, I can't yet reveal the news I most want to, but I will any day. It's not earth-shattering global news, but it is pretty satisfying I have to say. 

But on the various other fronts....   I managed to slip into the National TV Awards at the O2 pretty much unnoticed, and then found that I was sitting at the end of the Merlin row, so got far too much screen time, grinning and saying hello to various other loveys.  Dermot O'Leary is just fantastic isn't he? Consummate really, or rather Consummate O'Leary ! I was surprised Merlin didn't win, with the fantastic competition we were up against, but I do wish Colin would get nominated for his work. He is one of the best around, and I think will be seen as such when he gets the chance to spread his wings.

I am just about to record Mark Haddon's new book, The Red House.   With every page I read I wish I could write! It's a terrific book. Uncomfortable and reassuring at the same time. His insight and observation are, I find, so accurate, and sometimes I have to remember it's his writing, and not my thoughts. So that's one to look forward to. 

Another quick bite is a thriller I have just completed. It's not for TV tho', nor is it a film.  And we are doing no publicity.  Eeek, I hear you say, actually that was me.  Eeekk.  It's called The Proxy, and it begins on 8th March.  Keep your eyes and ears and social networks open for this. It's clever stuff made with a lot of enthusiasm and very little money, but I am pretty sure it's not been done before...........

And finally, for the moment  THE MARSDEN MARCH is happening again.  I walk this to raise money for a wonderful hospital that helped my mother so much in the run up to her death 2 years ago on the same date as the march this year. PLEASE go to my www.justgiving.com/Nathaniel-Parker and donate. I shall write more when I have the time, but right now I have to run, walk....  

Bye  Nat  XX