Well, at last it's officially out there. I just can't wait to start filming it. I had such a good time working with the writers and the rest of the crew, oh yes, & I suppose the cast as well. I'm sorry I haven't been officially allowed to say anything before, but hey, it's here now.

As regular readers will know I had a huge amount of fun working on the Dickens project recently, & if you get a chance do watch it. Our wonderful Jessika has put a link up for it. I hadn't seen it before, but I will have to contact all involved and tell them how brilliant it is. Rupert Graves is typically wonderful, well they all are, but Jeff Rawle who wrote it and played Dickens is one of the most joyous people EVER. 

I would like to thank anybody who is still contributing to the various charities we have mentioned here at the moment. The Debbie's Fund Strictly is coming up and the Racing Welfare team, who I will be racing for in August and of course anyone still donating to Royal Marsden. You are ALL TERRIFIC.