THANK YOU  to all who have supported me on my most recent adventure. It was an ambition achieved and a great way to raise money & awareness of Racing Welfare. I have to admit to having enjoyed  lot of the toil and hard work that went into shedding over 2 stone. By the time of the race 2 St 7 lbs had left my frame, & only some of it is destined to come back. My proper weight should be around 13 st 7lbs so I hope to plateau there, until the next one! I really mean it tho', EVERYONE has been so helpful and encouraging and supportive. Mostly to the two trainers, Kim who started me off & Paul who finished me off with the beautiful Tindaro. I am now the proud part owner of Tindaro and also Baffy the Beetle and Sparville who are both with Kim Bailey and the Kedney Research Partnership. Both Cookie and Koo and kids and both lots of staff from the stables have been SO welcoming and encouraging and I have huge respect for each and everyone, well, some more than others!

It really was a fantastic experience and I can't quite believe it is over. I am still buzzing. 

The other point I wanted to make. It's in the TITLE. Don't believe everything you read by me anywhere else. It probably isn't me. This is where I write my thoughts and this is the only form of oracle I use. I DO NOT USE FACEBOOK OR TWITTER. I have received some fan mail with people thanking me for advice from those places, well, specifically Facebook, that I know I didn't give. I know, because I do not have accounts there. That could not be clearer could it. Jessy has been good enough run this site for a while now, and this is the only official site. Thank you Jess. 

Again Thanks to all    Nat  xx