Hello All.  

After what was possibly the coldest and most beautiful Christmas, 2011 has started at quite a pace.  I have various charity events to look forward to this year. Most immediately I have committed myself to walking in the inaugural Marsden March, on the 27th March from The Royal Marsden in Chelsea to their sister hospital in Sutton. That's 14 miles of walking, (don't know why we don't just take the bus?)!  It may not sound much to all of you fit and healthy ones out there, but I have a slight hitch. I am not sure how many of you know this, but I have had a half knee replacement. It took place in the run-up to Christmas, and rehabilitation is a bit like one of those ballroom dances, quick, quick, SLOW.  I thought I was going great guns, but it has rebelled a little recently. Never mind I have a couple of wonder physios on my case, and I am sure I'll have a damned good shot at it. There is a 5 mile version, that starts at the St Georges Hospital in Tooting, I think.

Please help me with donations. I have set up a Just Giving page at  www.justgiving.com/nathanielparker. I will ask our fab webmistress, Jessika to put up a proper link, (me never quite getting the hang of that kinda thing).  As I say on the page, I don't have a target for the amount earned, but if any of you were to meet some of the staff and patients at this extraordinary hospital, you would give as much as you can spare. They don't waste your money, nor do they take it for granted. I hope some of you can help.  I would love to be sponsored per mile for as much as poss, and remember, I'll be carrying an injury, a unicompartmental knee replacement added to my body only15 weeks earlier. You might find I only make a mile, under the weight of all that sponsorship!  Try Me !!!!

I have it on good authority that I will be let off work for this. What? Oh, the work? Sorry, not signed, so you'll have to wait another few days for that one.   In the meantime, I am going to be on Channel 4 Racing's Morning Line this coming Saturday.  The programme has been re-vamped, unfortunately I haven't, so it'll be the same old geezer on the sofa..    

Good news about The Domino Effect. Thanks for that news Jess. As usual ahead of the game. I would love to hear what you think. It's a bit of a departure for me. Please give to the Marsden March, and speak again soon.