Out of sight for SO LONG. I must apologise to all for having been out of touch and relatively under the radar for such a long time. This year has undoubtedly been my busiest and among my most frustrating year for a long time.

Having moved out of London lock stock and barrel over a year ago now, as a family we have had to adjust to all sorts of new challenges. Having finally found somewhere to put roots down, we are now in the deepest, darkest stages of planning and that too throws up challenges.  I have also been working throughout the year on Merlin, as you know. One of the unexpected side-effects of Merlin has been it's very tough schedule. I have had to cancel a lot of things I would have loved to have been able to do on personal, professional and charitable fronts, because the schedule is pretty merciless. That said, I have had a fantastic time shooting the series, and have been able to work alongside a lot of emerging talent, and some well established folk, even some old friends.  

Most recently we have had Ben Daniels & Miranda Raison in the cast. Dammit I don't get a chance to act with my old LAMDA mate Ben, but just to have him on location or at the Cardiff warehouse is a lovely feeling. Miranda, (as she pointed out to me) & I have worked together twice before, in Lynley & Samuel Pepys.  Wow, has she moved on apace since those days, (must have been all those hours on a Lynley set)! We have also had Steve Hartley, another LAMDA chum, and others, Emilia Fox et al who have made it such a grand shoot. So much to shoot tho', 13 episodes, and all on 35mm film. The crew, from the lofty job of DoP (Director of Photography) to the essential runners we have had a blessed team.  My lovely make-up, Katie and costume Beth, 2nd AD Adam, Gareth (1st) ALL ABSOLUTLEY ALL have been BLOODY MARVELLOUS, or as they say in Wales TIDY (thanks Stumpy, Yestin & Charlie).


I still have about 4 weeks left of this series, & will let you know as soon as I do about more.  

As for other stuff. WELL the only bookings I have are charity ones at the moment.  This week we have the Inaugural Debbie Fund Ball in London. I am hosting that. Thrilling and nerve-wracking at the same time. Please look at this charity as a possible for those of you who would like to donate towards the setting up and continuing of SPECIFIC drug development research for Cervical cancer, then please go ahead DONATE to DEBBIE FUND.  

Then, lined up for mid November I have, wait for it…..   MASTERMIND, well Celebrity Mastermind.  I am not sure if I am allowed to say what my specialist subject is, but it's not what you would expect from me. So, after Merlin I will still have my head down, but studying in an attempt not to embarrass myself TOO much.  What was I thinking?!?!? Anyway, that's what I am doing and I am doing it under the umbrella of one of my favourite charities,  NYCPE. You see, I think, because of my accent, that people think I am well educated and know stuff. How wrong appearances can be!

So there we are. My life update. Thanks to all fans I saw at the Castle in France. Good luck as we fall in to Autumn. I have already seen a couple of Xmas adverts! Uuurrgghhhh...

Nat  x