Our wonderful webmistress knows more than I do about what is going in my life. Jessika seems to have gleaned more from both Channel 4 and the BBC about my upcoming stuff. The Book Club for instance I have been keeping quiet until its official launch next week, but, yes I am helping present. Sounds funny saying that. I have never really presented before, but I know it'll be a great thing to do, and I hope it achieves its aims. I think with Amanda Ross at its helm we can be certain nothing will be left to chance. Ever since I first met her doing Richard & Judy, I have always wanted to work with her. I have rather pestered her, but it seems to have paid off. I can't wait.
And My Family date and dvd are something I didn't know about either. I am thrilled if it does come out on Xmas day itself. It was, as I have said, a fantastic opportunity for me. I think the world of that cast and crew.
And thanks everyone who supported the Salvation Army Carol Concert. What an experience, to be out there in front of all those people. Amparo, thank you for your lovely gift too. The thing thought that made the evening for me was that my mother came. I was so chuffed to have had her there.
Hopefully more news on it's way, but until then. Peace and Love.