First to all of you who sent birthday wishes and pressies. Thanks VERY much. I am quite overwhelmed by all your good wishes. I feel very lucky.

Second to all at Inspector Lynley Mysteries, who worked SO HARD over the years to make it a successful show. Proof of all your work is evident this week as the figures and ratings came out for our last two, terrific, shows. We may not have been everybody's cup of tea, maybe not enough like an American cop drama, or bloody like a cracker, but we seemed to have held our own in a tough and some would say, over full market place. I did ONE piece of publicity for Lynley this year, ONE!  That was a little column at the back of the Radio Times about what I watch and listen to. So even tho' we were not exactly heralded into people's living rooms over the last two Sundays, we held our own with the other channels in the first week, and won over them in the second. Well done everyone connected, from Sharon and Paul, my brilliant co-stars to Ali in the office, Kate, our Exec, Richard the Prod to the grips, sparks crew, catering, drivers, EVERYONE. All finished now.