I have now been a whole week out of work. The idea that one "rests" as an actor is absurd. I may be twiddling my thumbs, but not in a restful way. Lynley finished with a bang. We spent the last day shooting in Brighton, and then the wrap party the following night saw the (short) season out with on a high.

Both James D'Arcy and Honeysuckle Weeks were fantastic in the last ep. As, of course were all the other members of the cast, and the crew and the director Graham Theakston. A typically uniformed and happy Lynley set. Why bother working on any other kind of set.

I do hope you like the different rhythm of the last one. My one slight worry is that I am a bit cross all the time. That could be because the writer of these last couple was writing for Trevor Eve on Waking the Dead. Trevor always seems to be so cross as Boyd, but hopefully if we do more later this year, then Lynley will begin to relax again. I had dinner with the wonderful Elizabeth George last week and we are all quite keen to take Lynley and Havers on a more harmonious route. They need to take on the world together, and not be at each others' throats so much. If that continues into the next lot, I fear it may be a little to predictable.

Anyway, that's for the future. Nothing has been agreed, or even officially talked about with regard to another season, yet. I am just taking a deep breath and tying up some loose ends, such as post-synching on Lynleys and Stardust. The word on the street seems very good for Flawless still. I have a couple of projects being talked about that my fabulous agent is on the case about. Fingers are crossed, as well as toes and legs and eyes.

One thing I am very much looking forward to is joining the team at William Hill Radio for the day next Tuesday (30/01). You would have to go to their website to tune in. I will be spouting all sorts of rubbish about the horses. Hopefully I will tip a few winners, but quite probably not. I was invited because of Malcolm Tomlinson. He is an actor and now a very successful pundit and commentator. His son, Ross, is in A Class Apart with me. Very classy young talent. Only 11, or 10, I can't remember, but consummate professional. So if anyone wants to listen go to the William Hill website on Tuesday.

Thank you all for the kind messages over Christmas and New Year.