Just wanted to say HAPPY CHRISTMAS to everybody.

I want to thank every single one of you who has contributed to this site in any form whatsoever. All comments are always welcome. I would love to become more involved here in 2008. I know that's up to me, but I have been greatly encouraged by various people to be more accessible, and I intend to act on this. I have had a great finish to the year and am in a very positive frame of mind for the next jump in life.

Talking of jumping, I have a bit of a horse running tomorrow who should have a good chance. Pur De Sivola runs in the 2nd race at Kempton. I do NOT recommend  anyone to bet, but I will have a few quid  on him. Remember, if you do bet, only bet with what you can afford to lose. Bookies are generally very rich people!

 If I don't get the chance let me also wish everyone A WONDERFUL 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!  Nat x