Hello everyone.

I do hope you are all feeling the Christmas spirit. It has finally squeezed its way into my life. I have been so insanely busy over the last couple of months with Lynley that I wasn't sure I'd find the time to be festive, but I am beginning to. I work up until this Friday evening and don't start again until after New Year. Phew.

I think Lynley has been going well. We are stupidly rushed this episode. For a bunch of reasons our script wasn't ready on time and we cast very late. So late in fact that we didn't even get a read through. Once before I didn't get a read through, and then I discover how important they are. We have James D'Arcy (Master and Commander) and Honeysuckle Weeks (Foyle's War) with us in this episode. It's a very different kind of episode. Can't tell you in what way, but it's just not the usual. I hope you all enjoy it.

I haven't worked with James yet, that happens later this week, but Honeysuckle is just fab. Great fun hearing about how Foyle's War is done with her. Michael Kitchen is one of my acting heroes. When I was at the RSC, all those many moons ago, he was in Romeo and Juliet as Mercutio. I was in Everyman In His Humour and had the first half off. So I would go to the back of the main auditorium and watch his Mercutio, just about every night. He was mesmerizing. I don't believe I will ever see a better Mercutio. I was lucky enough to be in Richard II with him in the same year as Hotspur. He was Bolingbroke. Again magnificent acting. So I am rather jealous of Honeysuckle. It's also fun finding out how a similar kind of show works on ITV. I must say I do wish I had a bit of editorial control on Lynley. Ah well. Trying to wrestle that from the Beeb is a bit like me facing the All Black scrum on the rugby field. 

Speaking of which, are any of you out there sports fans? As some of you may know, I am a bit of a gambler. I don't advocate this as a pastime to any who cannot afford it. BUT I do love sports. I am, not in despair, but not enjoying my position as an armchair England fan. What the hell has happened. Cricket, football and most horribly rugby. Here we are on our little island and yet we still seem to think we can rule the world. We seem to have an arrogance that says we are the best at things, when we don't have the results. For the first time a few years ago we were Rugby world champions, and last year we won the Ashes for the first time. We seem to have a football team brimming with talent, but where are the results? Considering how many players at the various sports we have, I don't think I am being harsh in saying that we are ever so slightly disappointing!

Anyway enough of that. I have to go to work now. I hope you are all well and as the run-up continues, I know many people are getting extremely excited and I know many who don't give a monkey's, but my best wishes to all.

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